Art Pop-Up has developed a programme for schools with MindSpace Stamford teaching creative journaling as a tool for positive mental health. The initial project saw over 2500 staff and children aged 4 to 16 take part in a 6 week project at the end of 2020, inspired by the reflective benefits of creativity and self-expression, linking this to the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’.
The programme is tailored for each key stage and delivered remotely, via video and post with artist Sam Roddan and poet Chris Martin writing & drawing beautiful letters each week to students to inspire them. Pupils loved the opportunity to work creatively in a space where there was no right or wrong. Staff were very enthusiastic about the valuable opportunity for children to explore their individual creativity which was extremely beneficial to their mental health.
As an extension to the project to continue to support pupils in their creative journaling, Art Pop-Up have produced a deck of cards with prompts written by Education and Wellbeing specialist Carol Hines and illustrated by Sam Roddan. For Years 2 to 6, it enables staff to continue to embed the 5 Ways to Wellbeing within the school day and equip children with tools for positive mental health.
The project was supported by SYPC, MindSpace and Stamford Town Council.